Hello, here is my first column for you. Do what you need with it. I will be
creating a title for it and myself in an upcoming contest so put that
somewhere i guess. like Name This Columnist! or something like that. just in
case you don't know this is for MATIEMO'S WWF SITE
Hello. From now on I will be reporting news, my own opinons, And writing a
weekly column for this very site/newsletter. So now just a little about me. I
have been a longtime fan of wresting. Started liking it around the age of 7
and never regretted it. I also am trying to establish my journalistic skills
so this helps alot. I do have a press pass and proper credentials so I can
get the interviews and stufff that some only dream of. I will be covering
World War 3 from the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan. So expect alot of
firsthand news if I am still on the team by then. There's more but we need to
get down to business. Now tonight is Survivor Series, one of the WWF's big
Pay-Per-View's ( I don't consider the IYH stuff big but they still count. )
The main event is Bret VS. Shawn for the belt. Now I like Shawn in this match
but I love Bret. I for one am getting sick of the whole DX thing. it's
getting sickening. Who wants to see Shawn waving his ugly ass around? Not me!
If Shawn wins, not only will we see DX getting a huge push, but we will also
see the loss of Bret Hart. That's something I don't want to see. Because with
the loss of Bret Hart I am predicting the "partial" of a company (WWF)
But that's all I want to say about that. Let's move on to other matches
"Team USA vs. Team Canada"
This match is chock full of angles. The one I like is Goldust. I think his
new girl has 2 possibilities. 1.) a total unknown in the WWF . and 2.) Sable
. The latter is one that really seems possible. Marc Mero is on Team USA with
Goldust so that helps. and we all know how Marc is with Sable on RAW ( I'm
not Ready yet Marc!) so that is an added plus. Goldust is rumored to abandon
his team tonight so we'll just see what happens.
Boy what an event huh? Here's a match-by-match rundown of everything as best
as I could get.
New Blackjacks & Headbangers vs. Bad-Ass Billy n, Road Dog, and the
Henry Godwinn and I think Windahm were both outed at the same time? this is a
question to me because I wasn't paying much attention to the match.
Phineas eliminated Mosh but then was eliminated by thrasher. And Finally
Bad-Ass Billy eliminated thrasher winning the match. What was interesting was
that Road Dog didn't wrestle at all.
Truth Commision vs. D.O.A.
1.Interrogator eliminates Chainz
2. i'm not sure if it was Skull or 8-Ball but he eliminated Jackyl who then
goes to announce table for remainder of match. I that guy.
3.Untagged Skull or 8-Ball(?) eliminates Recon
4.Sniper eliminates Skull or 8-Ball (let's call him skull)
5.Interrogator eliminates 8-Ball
6.Crush eliminates Sniper
7.Interrogator eliminates Crush for the win.
Team USA vs. Team Canada
Now I think this match was the best survivor match. You have the fan on the
team, goldust declaring freedom, former american furnas, and everything else.
1.Blackman and Neidhart counted out
2.Mero eliminated by Furnas
3.As predicted, Goldust didn't wrestle at all, using his broken hand as an
excuse. He then abandoned Vader who was then eliminated by Bulldog for the
Mankind vs. Kane
You could tell this was to be Kane's match because the red light was never
turned off. Although mankind gave it a try, Kane defeated him for the
N.O.D. vs. Shamrock, Ahmed, and LOD
1.Rocky eliminates Hawk
2.Ahmed eliminates Farooq
3.Rocky eliminates Ahmed
4.Animal eliminates Kama
5.Animal gets stuff thrown in his eyes from Road Dog wearing his Spiked
pads.He is then counted out
6.Shamrock eliminates D-Lo
7.Shamrock "snaps" and eliminates Rocky for the win. I've never seen Rocky
scream like that before
Owen Hart vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin for the I/C belt.
Although Owen tried real hard to get a DQ, Stone Cold gave him a stunner and
won the I/C belt becoming the new I/C champ.
HeartBreak Kid Shawn Michaels vs. Bret "Hitman" Hart for the WWF World
Championship and some feel(I for one) the "Future" of the WWF and Bret Hart
This match starts out great with Bret and Shawn battling outside the ring for
15 minutes before the match even started. So they finally get back to the
ring and the rest is a great match. Short but great.
Shawn Michaels defeats Bret Hart using his own SharpShooter against him. Bret
seemed to give real quick.
This is all setting up the next IYH called "d-generation X" gee, I wonder
what the main event will be.
So in conclusion, it was a good PPV and possibly Bret's last SS. If so,
Goodbye Bret. if not, KICKASS!
Scott Hunter