Our show starts out as we are shown scenes from D X when Austin beat up the Nation. The Raw promo runs. We are then taken inside the building and shown various signs. Jim Ross and Michael Cole have the announcer table Vince Mcmahon the comes out for an interview.Mcmahon says that Austin gets away with too much and how he attacks too many people.He also says lastnight Steve Austin went to far with the pickup truck.Another point he says Rock was cheated last night and The Rock will fight Austin tonite as we hear Austin's music play.He comes in and Vince almost leaves but Austin says stay so he does.Austin then mocks Vince awhile and says he doesn't care who Vince is and he'll do whatever he wants.Austin then says say Hell Yea if ya want Vince's ass ta get whipped and the crowd goes HELL YEA!!!!!!!Austin then says he going back and eat and drink(beer and hotdogs)and then says he'll be back to whip anybody ass.,Austin then taunts officials and security as he leaves and we go to a commercial and it is announced we can win Austins truck at Royal Rumble. We then come out as DX music playsAs they come out we are shown the LOD match last night.They then change music and LOD comes out.Then their oppenents The Godwinns come otu with Bill n and Road Dog.The match starts out with all 4 men then narrows down to Animal and Henry.There are many running leriots and kicks as the offence goes on and off.Phineas and Hawk are then tagged in as Hawk takes the offence.Hwk tries a clothesline off the top and misses and is taken outside.Godwinns capitalize as the lightsa go out and Kane comes in.Hwk is thrown in the ring and Kane beats on him with a few tombstones and leaves.The lights are turned on as Bill Gunn and Road beat on Hawk as ANimal gets a chair and the rest leave as Animal taunts them with the chair as we go to a commercial. When we come back we are shown what happened moments ago as Bill n and Road give an interview.They then mock the LOD.Afetr micking them and call out anybody from the back to fight Mr. Ass Billy n as we hear Dude Love's music play as Road states he said one not three.The match starts out side with Bill having the offence.Road then takes the announcing table.The match goes in the ring when Love takes the offence but n takes it back and repeatedly chokes Love.Love then puts on a backslide as n goes up top and gets a nearfall and then Rockabilly is majorly i ncontrol as Billy struts then missies a splash as Love capitalizes with fists.He than does a body drop and repeatedly slams his head on the turnbuckle as Billy is knocked out.Love goes for his sweet shin music as Billy swerves and gets a small offence as love then reverses a clothesline and scores the win with a double-arm DDT.Road then whacks Love with a chair and they taunt Love for awhile as Billy goes uptop and elbowdrops Love as we go to a commercial. As we come back The Rock is mocking Austin as the whole nation is standing by. We hers D X music play again as we see the lighheavyweight match from lastnight.We then hear from Christopher yell about TAKA last night.Cornette is then in the ring as he calls out TAKA.TAKA's music plays as he makes his way out.We are then told Ross has been teaching TAKA english.As we are shown clips of this TAKA states how good his match was last night.As he is talking Lawler and Christopher come out and beat on TAKA and officials try to help out TAKA.We then go to a commercial as we see Austin eating hot dogs. As we come back we are shown how badly Vince screwed all of the Harts AGAIN!!!!!!! Then we are taken to the ring as Flash Funk is in the ring and the Interogan (now called Kurrgan)make his way to the ring.Jackal then takes the booth.Funk tries all the attempts ever when Kurrgan is beating him with all kinds of powermoves.Funk the tries to take offence but Kurrgan gives him an elbow.The match continues just like this for about 3 minutes untill Kurran then takes a claw to his head and Funk give up as Kurrgan keeps the hold on for another 2 minutes as the Truth Commision tries to get him off and he just throws them back and the Jackal just wals aroung as the ref reverses the decision.Jackal then slaps Kurrgan as he releases the hold as Kurrgan Jackal crack up and leave. We are then shown scenes from last night when Michaels beat Shamrock. Then we are taken backstage as Shamrock tells Michaels that he will get him as we go to a commercial. When we come back The War Zone starts as we are taken to its promo. Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler have the booth Back in the arena D X's new music plays as they make their way out.HHH takes the mic first and mocks Slaughter and how he was beaten last night. Michaels then takes the mic and says Shamrock is not dangerous enough to take anyone in D X.He also says Ken was schooled by him last night.Another important thinmg he says is that D X has destroyed the entire Hart family once and for all and then he mocks them too.They then play strip poker and say they are going to play it untill Owen Hart comes out.Instead of Owen Hart DOA comes out as we go to a commercial.when we come back Skull and 8-ball are ready for their match as Michaels andhis crew are still playing strip poker on the floor.Skull and 8-ball are taking on maguilla and Joseldominates the match with many powerslams as he tags in 8-ball and he gets a near-fall but Boriqaus gets the offence and Maguilla has the offence and capitalizes majorly when 3 men are in the ring giving a royal beating.8-ball gets a small offence but looses it to a thumb-in-the-eye.Then Hosea misses a splash and Skull takes the offence.Savio then hits Skull with a two-by-4 and Hosea gets the win by pinfall.We are then taken to a commercial as the pker game continues. When we come back D X is still playing the poker game in the ring when Michaels is about to take it all off.He is then in his boxers as The Headbangers make their way to the ring.The Bangers come in and D X pummels them.They then powerbomb mosh through a table off the top rope.Owen Hart then appears and beats on D X then makes an abrupt leave as we go to a commercial. As we come back JJ makes his way to the ring.Then Vader comes out.As Vader comes out he runs right back chasing Goldust as JJ wins by a countout. We are then shown the hotline promo as we go to a commercial. As we come back Salvatore Sincere is in the ring ready to fight Marc Mero. Right before Mero wrestles he mocks Butterbean a little bit then says Sincere is a jobber and Sable comes out in a potato sack.She then takes it off and is half .Sincere then knocks Mero over the rope.Mero then takes Sable back and Sincere wins by countout. We then go to a commercial. As we come back we hear the Nation's music play as Maivia and the Nation make their way out.Austin's music plays as he then makes his way out with the IC title.Mcmahon then asks Austin if he is going to compete.Austin then asks him what the consequences are and Vince says he will strip him of the title and give it to the rock.Austin then forfeits the title to The Rock and gives a hand shake because he wants The WWF title but then stuns him and knocks Mcmahon off the apron. we are then shown what happened what happened moments ago as our show ends.